jawe eyewear
Freelance CAD Modeling job
The aim of the job was to transfer physical models into a 3D data set for the following industrial production.

Concept together with Benedikt Bandtlow, Eleonore Eisath and Steven Stannard
The year is 2068: As a consequence of flooded farmlands and polluted ecosystems, farmers have lost their livelihoods. Using floating bodies of plastic landfill, “NEULAND” wants to encourage the construction of cultivation areas in river deltas. In addition to locally available plastic waste, renewable resources can also be used for the construction of these islands.
The sedimentation of the islands and the decomposition of the synthetic materials can also serve to regenerate the living environment and create promising opportunities for the future.

Bachelor Thesis
For my thesis I designed a modular tool system and its transport box, which can be converted into a mobile energy storage and generator. My design approach represents an alternative draft to the design of consumer goods, which nowadays are primarily designed with a focus on exaggerated dynamics and aggressive appearance.